宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 students support MilitaryShare Program

Students hold a check written out to MilitaryShare Program

The Student 经验丰富的s Association and Student Government Association from 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 最近合作募集了592美元的善款 富兰克林县退伍军人事务部 MilitaryShare program through a Green Line Bracelet donation fundraiser. Partners from 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 and the Franklin County Office of 经验丰富的s Affairs include, 从左, 扎克·奥尔布赖特, Student Government Association President; Stephen Grace, 富兰克林县退伍军人事务部; and S. LeMar 最好的,学生退伍军人协会主席.


MONT ALTO – Student-led distribution of green bracelets on the 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 campus has helped area veterans and their families access non-perishable food, 牛奶, eggs and meat through the Franklin County Office of 经验丰富的s Affairs.

The Student Government Association and Student 经验丰富的s Association partnered to distribute Thin Green Line bracelets, 作为回报,要求接受者为这项事业捐款. 这些努力筹集了近600美元.

“Those who received the bracelets seemed appreciative that they had a way to show their support. I still see students to this day wearing their Thin Green Line bracelets from the week of 经验丰富的s Day,扎克·奥尔布赖特说, president of 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校’s Student Government Association.

With 经验丰富的s Day 2022 approaching, Albright talked to S. LeMar 最好的 from the Student 经验丰富的s Association about incentivizing students, faculty and staff while asking for donations to a cause supporting veterans. The pair settled on the bracelets as an understated way to show continued support.

“He reached out, and I told him it’d be great if we did a fundraiser. I haven’t seen it done since I got to 蒙特中音 – two student groups getting together for a fundraiser,贝斯特说, saying the two groups had a good-natured competition to determine which one could distribute a greater number of bracelets.

This cause is incredibly important because there are millions of veterans around the country who are not receiving the support they need.

—扎克·奥尔布赖特 , 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 Student Government Association President

The MilitaryShare Program is a drive-through food bank that distributes food to veterans, 警卫队成员, 预备役军人和寡妇按月收费, 约翰·麦克保罗说, community outreach coordinator for the Franklin County Office of 经验丰富的s Affairs.

McPaul said he has talked to 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 personnel about food insecurity for veterans and students. 与巴勒斯坦中央粮食银行合作, the MilitaryShare Program serves more than 500 veterans and their families each month, with extra food sent to the college campus for distribution.

“A widow came to us because she was in need due to the death of her husband,麦克保罗谈到MilitaryShare时说. “She has an adult-aged child with special needs and was unable to afford all of the food she needed for her son and herself. 她不吃不喝是为了给他更多. They now have enough food each month so that neither is hungry.”

Student groups arranged for bracelets to be distributed in the General Studies Building, 磨坊咖啡馆, Wiestling Patio and other locations on the 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 campus. Recipients were asked to make a donation of any amount.

“This cause is incredibly important because there are millions of veterans around the country who are not receiving the support they need,奥尔布赖特说, saying he feels the nation is not appropriately serving the people who served it.

宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 has a “significant veteran student population on campus, and they are all deserving of support and respect for serving our nation,他补充道.

最好的, 从1996年到2010年在海军陆战队服役的人, described the veterans’ center on campus as a place for veterans to study, 获得有关课程和职业选择的建议, 并且彼此合作.

“I love people, and I love to promote inclusion,” he said.

Other initiatives at 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 include a Thanksgiving food drive, 在节日期间帮助家庭购买礼物, and conducting a student engagement survey so that those on campus can better understand the needs of the student body. Students also gathered themed gifts for a child with leukemia and completed 120 thank you cards during the annual Day of Service on campus.

McPaul said those interested in donating time or money to the MilitaryShare Program can call 717-263-4326.

“Our office is here to help in any way we can,” he said. “We offer help with veteran benefits and also provide outreach programs to help veterans.”